"Only a third of all projects were successfully completed on time and on budget over the past year"
(Standish Group's CHAOS report)
"Only 40% of projects met schedule, budget, and quality goals"
(IBM Change Management Survey of 1500 execs)
If you don't want your projects to fall into the category of failed projects, I may help you to design processes and tools that improve cooperation in your projects.
Solving projects' problems is costly and in high risk if those are only identified at the peak or at the end of project execution. However, early best practice implementation and well suited tools secure project success and minimise the costs.
Take an advantage from my experience. I help in Project Management Office implementation in your company. I provide support in the processes design, proper tools selection and implementation.
The underlying rule for the projects environment structure changes, should be the simplification and unification of current company processes and tools. Redundancy and excess of tools, or procedures might induce frustration, wast of time and miscommunication among projects stakeholders. Furthermore complete optimisation should consider customers' and subcontractors' environments and processes, too.
Cooperation enhancement among all the stakeholders, especially with customers and subcontractors
Tools selection to eliminate teams frustration, waste of time, and most of all to facilitate focus on projects goals, often in a constantly changing environment
Set up the communication standards for appropriate scenarios:
internal teams
among various teams working on a common product
with the Board and management - in particular reporting, monitoring, and goals or priorities communication
with customer and subcontractors
Well-suited tools and methods implementation to simplify daily routine tasks
Tools and best practice methods for document creation and updates.
Scope, priority, and schedule change management processes and tools
Digitalization and cloud migration to archive unified ground and performance for both remote and on-site staff
Reliable work progress monitoring and presentation appropriately suited for various stakeholders
Processes and tools automation to eliminate the routine and administrative task
Budget planning and controlling enhancements
Formal procedures control: financial, fiscal, ISO standards, security
Actual project goals and priorities communication
Scope management
Documentation preparation and archiving
Communication: chats, forums, comments, feedback, reports
Project's phases reporting
Financial and formal controlling methods
Project methodology choice and recommended technics strongly depend on the current company culture, environment, project types, and relations with customers or subcontractors. There is no golden methodology for all the projects, and each of them has its pits. Agile methods are easy to implement, but they are hard to master. However, waterfall methodologies, are well controlled but in practice tend to be poorly optimized..
In reality, hybrid agile and waterfall technics are selected. Furthermore, project office environment design should consider or at least analyze integration with existing financial tools, and sales or ERP systems. Integration not necessarily must be digitalized and automated but at least should be aligned with those processes.